
Flickers of Life

I've figured out most, if not all, of my readers are women so this post is totally kosher. Lets face it, NO ONE likes to go the the "female" doctor and lets just say it was not at the top of my list of exciting things to do either. This morning was my very first baby check up appointment aka. for the total invasion of personal bubble space appointment. After necessary exams were complete it was time for the most special part of the visit...

The OB asked my husband to move around to my right side and then pulled over the sonogram machine and said "It's time to see your little baby!". The screen lit up and she proceeded to look for the baby and BAM...there was this little grey blob and of course I asked the obvious duh question most new mothers probably ask "is that my baby?" The sonogram machine itself was kind of ancient so it wasn't a super good picture but you could see enough. I've never had my tummy do those kinds of butterflies and the feelings that came over me were so overwhelming. There was a baby and it was mine!

Then the moment that made the entire visit worth it was when Dr. Nell said to look at the screen and we would see a steady little flicker of what looks like light. As Dane and I stared at the picture we began to see little flickers and she said "That's your baby's heart beating." I somehow couldn't take my eyes from that screen. It felt like if my baby could talk in that moment with it's little beating heart it would have said, Mommy I know I wasn't your plan and I know you had a really hard time accepting me but I'm here and I accept you as unready as you feel. Whoah. My baby has a heart, it's LIVING. I'm probably getting lots of rolled eyes and duh thoughts but you have to experience it for the first time to understand these feelings. Now instead of selfish feelings the only thought constantly running through my mind is a desire for complete safety for this baby. 

I'm still so overwhelmed at the awesome creation of life that is going on inside me. This baby steals my heart more and more every single day. In 7 months I will meet a little extension of my heart.

Overwhelmed. (okay, I'll probably go cry now...like thats something new :P)



"Magical Pregnancy Smoothie"

When the sight and smell of ground beef makes you vomit and your usual favorite lunch makes your throat close up and sends you hurling for the porcelain throne, never fear! After throwing myself pitifully over the couch for a week in much dispair that "this will ever go away, I'm going to be sick my entire pregnancy I just know it!" (Yes, I know a bit dramatic), I decided that not just one thing was going to cure me so I was going to try ALL things together! How you ask? Well, let me introduce you to the Magical Pregnancy Smoothie!

...Oh and let's not forget my morning sickness comes with a delightful side of heartburn. YAY! So between being unable to stomach most foods and then being AFRAID to eat anything that may also flare up some heartburn from heck, needless to say my body was not getting the nutrients it needs as well as what my little baby needs. With that feeling that everything in your stomach (or even when theres nothing in it) is sitting between your throat and the middle of your  chest sometimes it feel the lesser of two evils is to not eat at all. Horrible decision, for bother you and baby. Because morning sickness is often intensified because of nutrition deficiency. Empty hurry tummy, horrific heartburn, miserable morning "all day" sickness make for one less that happy or useful wife. So I made up my mind to find a solution for my morning sickness, prevention of heartburn and HUNGER.

Everything in this smoothie is nutritious, healthy and full of good things both mommy and baby need to store up on. Quite possibly the best part is that it is gentle on your very sensitive tummy, easy to drink and has all the the suggested remedies that could possibly relieve morning sickness and heartburn. Oh and did I mention that it is soooooooo yummy?

"Magical Pregnancy Smoothie" 
(4 servings, usually eyeball things but I'll try to give measurements)

1 1/2 c. Vanilla Yogurt: Good source of calcium and gentle on your stomach

1/2c. Coconut Milk: Soothes the acid in your stomach and eases digestion (heartburn), helps maintain blood sugar ( which is a huge leading cause in morning sickness!), also makes you feel full because of high concentrations of dietary fiber :)

1 Banana: morning sickness/ good source of potassium

1 Mango: Vitamin C and A, morning sickness

1-2 c. Strawberries: Yummy :)

? Honey: I use honey because it is a natural sweetener. Soothes heartburn and helps nausea.

Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice: Vitamin C, helps nausea.

1tsp Fresh grated GINGER: Ginger products are often given as a remedy for morning sickness/nausea. I believe this is a key ingredient and is SO worth it. Aside from this smoothie I live on Ginger Snaps and Ginger Ale.

*3 Handfuls Fresh Spinach: Don't wimp out here! You can't even taste it! It is sooooooooo good for you, full of IRON! Which can be a huge deficiency in pregnant women. It also has the vitamin B6 in it, which doctors often suggest to take to help nausea.

2c. Milk: Calcium ( add as much as you want to determine the thickness you want.)

*You probably got to the spinach and said ewwwwww but just trust me! Yeah sure it changes your lovely pink smoothie into a less lovely neutral color but when you have one long enough with feeling miserable, the color is irrelevant!

Now, can I vouch for any ONE ingredient that is the magical cure? Nope! But I can tell you that I created this smoothie at 830pm and by 930pm I was able to lay down and sleep like a baby...pun intended :P Ive not had many problems since; no, the nausea is not totally gone but I believe this smoothie is the reason I'm able to feel so much better and function! Thats why I call it the magical smoothie! I'm able to feel like I'm actually getting the nutrition I need to feel better. I make a huge blender full in the morning and drink it all through the day!

Go and conquer your baby sickness!

*slurp slurp*

Mommy of One


Surprises Along the Journey...

Sitting alone in the empty waiting room of Odenton Family Health Center the nurse emerged from behind the door that held the official answer, confirming what I already knew. As she sat in front of me with my, ahem,  "specimen" I heard these words: "All the tests came back positive, you are pregnant."...Shock, disbelief, horror? Not quite. After experiencing weeks of nausea and then two positive pregnancy tests it was already confirmed in my mind. But, until that moment something in me didn't really feel it was real... in those 10 seconds a certain instinct, that I never knew existed in me, took over my being.

As I made my way down the skinny hallway to the lab tears welled in my eyes but for the first time they were not tears of selfishness, they were tears of joy. All feelings of "my life is over, I'll never sleep again, I'm not ready, I can't be a mom yet, I haven't even learned to be a good wife and its too soon" faded away. But that wasn't the case two weeks ago. The excited reaction everyone around me saw couldn't have been further from what my insides and heart were feeling. Lets be honest, lets be real and go back...

Over a period of four weeks I had taken four pregnancy tests, the first two were negative then almost three weeks later was test number three. On a Saturday morning I awoke around 6:30am and then preceded to go into the bathroom to take "the test". Less than a minute later I casually grabbed the test (because I expected the same results as the others, one line), removed the tissue and BAM. Two lines. My heart began pounding out of my chest in disbelief of what I was seeing. Baby? Tears burned my eyes as I stood up and wandered around aimlessly, not quite sure what to do. I looked at my sleeping husband wondering what to say. This wasn't how it was supposed to go, I was supposed to be excited, what were these feelings? After revealing the news to my husband I shut myself in the bathroom and let all the emotions out. Shock, selfishness, disbelief, horror, fear? Yes. Being perfectly honest, yes.

On the outside and to everyone else I seemed so excited and totally un-phased by the new information that was going to change my life. I'm sure many thoughts swarmed the scrutinizing minds of the "older" generation...they are rushing things, silly young girl just wants a baby and doesn't know what it will cost her, its an irresponsible decision, they aren't ready, they should have waited, they've only been married a year, blah blah blah. Well, you know, this wasn't our plan it was God's. When we first got married, yes, I had those cravings but developed a desire to wait a few years, be young and adventurous and not have the worries or concerns of a baby; I wasn't ready.

Perhaps the excited posts and conversation were my way of trying to be ok. I already felt reproached of myself with all the selfish feelings that flooded my own mind and heart. That is just what they were, selfish. I struggled with the pull between what I wanted and what I already knew to be true. God gave me a baby. By no means of the imagination did I wish the baby to be gone. NONE. Which was why my heart struggled so much. As the days went on I became kind of numb, angry at times because of the hardships pregnancy brought with it. Slowly but surely the anger and shock wore off as I reflected on my life and its purpose. Remembering all those years I said I wanted to be a wife and mother...holding other little newborn ones longing to share in something so special. What was different now? Was that not what I still wanted? The answer was yes; I did still want to be a mother. Just because it wasn't "my plan" and "in my time"  didn't change that, as much as my initial feelings would have argued.

But let me say this, something about having that nurse come to me and say "all the tests came back positive" changed my numbness into reality. The reality that God gave me a little miracle; he gave me a baby. Our plans aren't always going to be God's but His are ALWAYS infinitely better. Am I terrified? Absolutely. Do I have doubts that I'm ready? Of course. But I'm learning through this process to turn my doubts into contentment with God's plans for me.

After much heart searching I discovered that sometimes God's unexpected plans are easier to accept when they are just that, unexpected. Why? Because despite what I think or feel about being ready evidentially HE thinks I'm ready. I don't have to worry about "making the right decision" as it wasn't my decision, it was His and he made it for me. Theres a great peace in knowing God thinks that I am ready.

Sometimes when I have a quiet moment (of no nausea!) I'm so overwhelmed that the Lord has trusted me with such a special responsibility. I have this little being growing inside me that is TOTALLY dependent on ME! Everything from what I do, what I eat, what I drink to what I plan and how I plan. Looking at it all together, yeah sure, its going to seem overwhelming but HE gave me this little blessing and he is going to equip me with everything I need to be a good mommy.

So thankful.

"Mommy of 1"